Luxe Profiles: Kate McCabe of Solful Health
I'm so excited about the start of this Luxe Profiles series. I'll be interviewing and profiling entrepreneurs that I admire, respect and in some cases have had the pleasure of collaborating with. It's always my goal to make the design experience personal by telling the story of my clients and this series is really an extension of that philosophy.
These creative entrepreneurs will be sharing their stories of how they got started, what inspires them and how they keep the passion alive for what they do. We're all on a path to do what we love and live authentic purpose-filled lives and for me anytime I gain insight into someone else's journey I feel the deepest sense of joy and community.
First up in the series, Kate McCabe of Solful Health!
Sometimes you meet someone and you get instant good vibes, that was very much the case with the uber-talented Kate McCabe of Solful Health.
Kate is a yoga instructor, nutritionist, recipe developer, writer and overall healthy-living advocate.
Q & A:
1) How did you realize that nutrition & yoga was something that you wanted to do?
Yoga has been a lifelong passion of mine, and I kind of always knew I would end up integrating it into my career somehow. I was actually studying to become a psychologist when I began dealing with some pretty serious health issues, and during that time I was introduced to the concept of food as medicine. Making the decision to study nutrition stemmed from this really personal and profound experience I had with the healing power of food. Combining what I learned in each of these disciplines to create my own mind-body “method” happened naturally once I began working with clients.
2) How do you manage your day - what are some ways you combat stress?
Personally, getting enough sleep is huge for me. Without a solid 8 hours, I feel imbalanced mentally and am way more susceptible to the negative effects of stress. Nourishing myself with wholesome foods throughout the day is really important for keeping my moods and energy elevated, so I’m super diligent about eating every few hours. I also swear by daily meditation sessions (even for just 3 minutes) and supplementing with adaptogenic herbs (such as maca, ashwagandha, and reishi - learn more about that here >>) to keep stress and anxiety at bay.
3) Do you have a daily practice that helps you stay motivated and productive?
Meditation and yoga! These two practices (often done together) boost my energy and productivity and help to keep me connected to myself and my vision.
4) What advice can you give those that are trying to live a healthier lifestyle?
Don’t feel like you have to overhaul your diet/fitness routine/life overnight. A healthy, balanced lifestyle begins with just a few small choices, that overtime lead to substantial changes.
My main three tips for better overall health are: drink more water (ideally, a gallon each day), eat more greens (4-6 cups daily), and become mindful of your sugar intake (hint: it’s hiding in most of our packaged snacks/foods, yogurt, power bars, and beverages).
5) 2-3 pm seem to be the snack like crazy hours - what are your go-to snacks/recipes?
Yes, same here! The key to satisfying your cravings and elevating energy levels healthfully is to snack on some fat. Raw nuts + seeds, avocado, and coconut are all full of the health fats we need to keep ourselves alert, energized, and satiated. Guacamole and sliced veggies, a handful of sprouted almonds, an apple with nut butter, or a small bowl of my Avocado Chocolate Mousse always does the trick. Get Kate's Chocolate Mousse recipe here >>
6) Any advice for creative entrepreneurs like yourself that are starting their business?
Just go for it. It’s never not going to feel scary, so don’t wait around for the “perfect moment”. Researching and planning are necessary parts of the process, but the true magic lies in the actual doing. My business plan changed so much once I began actually working, because it’s through experience that you learn and evolve and figure out what you actually like doing.
Also! Don’t let other people project their experiences and beliefs onto you and your dream. You have to learn to tune out the people (and there will be a lot of them) that try to bring you down or talk you out of being an entrepreneur. Be bold and unapologetically confident in yourself and your dream.
7) Do you have any upcoming workshops or events?
For any local South Florida entrepreneurs (or those of you contemplating taking the leap!), I am hosting a Mind Body Business workshop in collaboration with psychologist Dr. Sue Babcock and Brand Coach & Motivational Speaker Tiffany Lanier. Together, we’ll be speaking on the power + importance of intention-setting and presence as an entrepreneur/business owner. The workshop is Friday, March 31st from 6-9 pm at Social House and will include an all-levels yoga class, meditation, Q+A panel, and healthy bites.
Interested in this event? Sign Up Here >>