Content Tip: How To Create Instagram Captions That Help Your Business

How do I generate caption ideas that actually HELP my business?
It's a question that constantly comes up during my consultation calls and during our CoCreate Workshops.
The answer actually is not as complicated as you would think. My tip is start jotting down all the questions you receive whether that's from DM's on your social media channels, during your own consultation calls, current and past clients, and even family and friends.
I'm sure you can come up with 5 questions you've been asked about your business, your process, your inspiration - how you choose to work with the people you do. THIS is your content - your followers want to hear from YOU they don't just follow you for the pretty pics, they want your insight and expertise.
This is how you deliver YOU - mix it up from posts to reels, a blog post, etc. At the end of this exercise you might also come away with valuable content that can be added to the FAQ of your website.
When it comes to content planning I'm always thinking double-duty.